Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The honeymoon is over

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, and always with the same person."
-Mignon McLaughlin


The smile:


One of my brothers decided to get married. She was a beautiful woman. I’m guessing that had a lot to do with my brother’s choice as she wasn’t known for keeping house.

The first day back from their honeymoon, I went to check on the newlyweds. I knocked on their front door and could hear a ruckus inside the house. I stood uncomfortably at the door, which was answered by my brother a few minutes later. He swung it open without any other acknowledgment than saying, “ Please get this crazy woman under control!”

I could not imagine what could have gone wrong so quickly and to such an extent. I walked past my brother into the living room to find my new sister-in-law in tears on the couch. I sat beside her not sure what to say. Finally I asked “What’s wrong?”

She wiped tears from her eyes and focused on me. She wailed, “He is VILE. The four letter words that came from his mouth. I want my momma.”

“Aw, come on.” I coaxed. “Could it be that bad? What did he say?”

She wiped the tears from her face. She took a minute to catch her breath before she told me, “He said he wants me to COOK, WASH and IRON.”


The ponder:

Today most houses have spouse that work. How do we determine the fair way to divide household chores? Should kids have responsibilities too? Should how much one spouse earns or other factors. over the other be a determining factor?


The Fudoshina Challenge:

reps/ goal
Straight Punches
700/ 2000
Knuckle Push-ups
485/ 2000
Olymipic sit-ups
485/ 2000
Squat kicks
435/ 2000
Front kicks
275/ 2000
Side kicks
150/ 2000
Back kicks
150/ 2000
Upper blocks
525/ 2000
Downward blocks
525/ 2000
Inward blocks
525/ 2000
Outward blocks
525/ 2000



  1. Hey Scott, After the challenge what should I do with the rest of the hour?

    1. I suggest flexing in the mirror and calling your friends to brag...I mean motivate them.
