Thursday, January 1, 2015

Strangers are just friends I haven’t met yet


The smile:

Today I drove to Nashville and decided to stop at a truck stop just this side of the city that makes a pretty good hamburger. The heavy volume of holiday travelers pushed me to sit at the lunch counter instead of getting a table.  I sat beside an elderly couple, the wife beside me and the husband on the other side of her.  Truth be known I actually like eating at lunch counters. I have always met the most interesting people there.

The couple and I exchange hellos and I notice the man is shoveling food in his mouth so fast I am pretty sure at some point he will just drop his fork and put his face directly on the plate. He is drinking sweet tea so quickly it would be a better idea for the waitress just to give him a pitcher with a straw in it.  Amazingly this is just half the picture. The wife is sitting with her hands in her lap, looking quietly forward. She doesn’t have as much as a glass of water in front of her. She has not as much as glanced at her husband the entire time I had been there.

I placed my order and against my own better judgment I asked the woman “Would you like anything? “
She politely answered “No, thank you” Her husband leaned forward. A kernel of corn stuck to his chin and he flatly stated “We share everything” I took that as a sign to mind my own business and waited on my burger without another word. The woman went back to looking forward while the man shoveled food into his mouth like this would be his last chance to eat again this year.

A few minutes passed and I got my meal. I glanced over to see neither the man slowed down nor the woman moved. Trying to be a good guy I asked her once again, “Are you sure you wouldn’t like something? A cup of coffee, maybe?”

She turned to look me back in the eye and with a gentle smile she replied, “I’m just fine but thank you.  I will eat in a few minutes. I’m just waiting for the teeth.”


The ponder:

I know this guy that is fond of saying “Strangers are just friends I haven’t met yet. “ Making friends is easy when we are young. We are pushed to be together in social forums such as school, church activities and sports. As we grow older and set in our path of work and home life, making friends becomes more difficult. I enjoy meeting new people and forming new relationships. The question is how important is it for us to continue to look for new people and connections as we age?


The fitness challenge:

Today I did 100 Olympic style sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 squats and 25 front kicks each leg.

Only a few more days before I begin the Ultimate Black Belt Challenge as outlined by the Fudoshinka Dojo.  Use this start to the new year to begin this program with me or do your own. Let’s get off the couch and get in better shape.


  1. That story in the truck stop almost made me drop my teeth.

  2. Scott, to me it is very important! Otherwise I wouldn't have met and became friends with you! ♡

    1. Betty, I would not trade you as a friend or personal natural herbalist for anything.
