Sunday, January 4, 2015

Afghanistan camel spiders


The smile:

I am a veteran and a patriot. I realize the sacrifice our men that put boots on the ground make. Occasionally I get to thank them.

A few months ago I was visiting St Paul. It is a beautiful city and I enjoy not just the food of the Twin Cities, I always seem to meet someone interesting. Near my hotel is a popular sport themed chain restaurant, which has been the place to meet  the locals more than once.

I walked into the brightly painted, well lit establishment.  I found a seat at the semi-crowded bar. I noticed one of the men to my left was disabled. He had a prosthetic arm and a patch over one eye. The patch had the U.S. Army Special Forces emblem on it. I turned on my barstool and asked him “Did you serve in group? “

The young man turned and focused on me with his good eye. He blinked and without smiling answered “Tenth in Afghanistan. “

I grinned  as I told him , “I’m a vet myself. Airbourne a hundred years ago. Mind if I buy you a beer?”

He immediately visibly loosened up and pointed his thumb at the guy to his left, “This is Stevens. He served with me. I’m Daniels”

“Drinks for all’” I signaled the bartender as we all three laughed good heartedly.

Stevens knocked on his lower leg to reveal it was artificial and replied “Be careful what you offer. I have extra storage space.”

As we drank I asked Daniels about his injuries. He tapped his metal appendage on the bar and said, “I lost my arm to an IED.”

“I’m sorry to hear it.” I earnestly told him. “How about your eye?”

Daniels and Stevens glanced at each other as he answered me “Afghanistan camel spider landed on my face.”

Taken back I asked “Are they poisonous?”

Daniels glanced down at his beer and replied “No, it was my first day with the hook”


The ponder:

Under what conditions should we go to war? Should we have a greater or less military presence on the world stage?


The physical challenge:

Today I did 100 Olympic style sit-ups , 100 squats and 100 push-ups.

Tomorrow I will not exercise as Tuesday will begin the Fudoshin Challenge…where I am a student, it is this dojo’s version of the Ultimate Black Belt Challenge.  In the 8 weeks in addition to my regular martial arts classes will complete AT LEAST the following:

250 each every week

Olympic style sit-ups

Knuckle push-ups

Straight punches

Front kicks

Side kicks

Back kicks

Squat kicks

Upward blocks

Downward blocks

Inward blocks

Outward blocks


I will keep a running total on my blog of all the of the above exercises in the following format (0/2,000) The first number is the cumulative total to that day and the second number is the 8 week goal for that exercise. Thank you for following me. Thank you for the support. Please let me know how you are doing with your own fitness goals.  

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