Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Miss Understood


The smile:


I worked for a large corporation in Memphis that managed food service concerns in Memphis. One of these locations was on a man-made lagoon on the Mississippi River. I was called to the restaurant a particular day to cover for the manager that was absent. I stood behind the cash register and reviewed stock inventories when one of the female staff approached me nearly in tears. She blurted’ “There is a customer sitting outside that refuses to order and keeps hitting on me.”


I will admit even pouting she was very cute in her uniform of tennis shoes, short shorts and t-shirt tied in a knot above her belly button. I asked her to give me more detail so I would know how to handle the situation. She explained, “I asked for his order and he asked me for a quickie…TWICE.”


“Ok’” I told her, “Let’s go talk to him.” I headed toward the table with her on my heels.


The guy was just another tourist and very non-descript. I introduced myself as the manager and asked “Sir, would you like something to eat?”


He looked at me with frustration and anger in his eyes. His voice was coarse as he punched the menu with this index finger and replied.” I would like a quickie!”


My eyes fixed on the point he was stabbing. I glanced over my shoulder at the serve and directed her, “Please bring him the quiche.”


The ponder:


Everything is clear and concise in my head. It isn’t until I try to convey my wants, needs and desires to another that anything goes awry. Many times…for me…it seems that it is even more difficult when I am emotionally connected to the person. How do we put aside our own agenda and motivations to actually talk and hear other people?



The Fudonshin Challenge:


I did one hundred push-ups today.


Sensei and I weight trained biceps, triceps and abs. JEEZ, I hate the three minute plank.  

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