Sunday, December 28, 2014

Riding the rail

Man, today was my kind of day. I spent a segment of it tearing laminate tile from a kitchen and hallway. Doesn’t sound exciting? Hey, maybe you just have to try it. Good company goes a long way. “Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” Albert Camus, Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957

The smile:

Atlanta has always been a city I have enjoyed visiting. Now that MARTA, their public rail system, stretches to the suburbs, I can get pretty close to some of my more favorite places without driving or waiting on a taxi.

Just a few weeks ago I was in Atlanta on business and decided to take a trip downtown for happy hour. Late in the afternoon on a weekday the rail was crowded and I had to stand in the center of the aisle. Holding onto the metal pole in the center I noticed a very attractive African American woman looking my direction. She couldn’t have been more than a couple of feet away, so I was very self-conscious about returning the glances. Still I had to take in the long cappuccino colored legs beneath the knee lengthen skirt. Her long hair pulled back into neat pony tail only worked to frame her high cheekbones and sparkling green eyes.

I think I stopped breathing when she looked at me with a smile and asked “Would you like to sit on my lap?”

I grinned and glanced at the floor for a second to gain my composure. I looked back at her and replied “Wouldn’t it be more comfortable for us both, if you sat in mine?”

Her cheeks flushed as she focused on me and flatly stated “Excuse me. I am talking to my niece that is standing beside you.”

The ponder:

It is impossible to lick your elbow. Statically speaking 3 of every 4 people that read this fact will try.


The fitness challenge:

Today I did 100 Olympic style sit-ups, 100 push-ups and 100 squats. Come on and get with the program.

Chocolate Cobbler