Wednesday, December 31, 2014

No Man Is An Island

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the only one who'll decide where you'll go. (Dr. Seuss)

Tomorrow is a new year. It signifies a fresh beginning, a clean slate and moment in time to choice to make different decisions than we have. Yes, we should be able to do all of those things any time during the year. Maybe that is why New Year’s resolutions are important. We could start on a different day on our own or it just may make more sense for us to take a collective breath, reevaluate and move forward together.


The smile:

Mickey has been on the police force for a long time. When he says he has seen it all, I tend to believe him. One particular night he is cruising through a heavy pedestrian traffic area downtown, when he notices the car in front of him has a tail light that isn’t working. Mickey hits the blue lights and the offender pulls to the side of the street.

Mickey gets out of his patrol car and walks to the open window of the driver’s side. After getting the man’s license and insurance information, Mickey notices the man has a can of gasoline, a box of matches and several torches in the passenger side of the vehicle. “What’s all of that about?” ask Mickey.

“Well” answers the driver “my New Year’s resolution last year was to learn to juggle. I had class today and those are my tools.”

Mickey looks suspiciously at the guy. The man quickly suggests, “Let me show you. I swear I’m a juggler”. He promptly gets out of the car, lights the torches and begins to juggle right there on the sidewalk as people walk past.

Mickey gives the guy room, crosses his arms and watches. Soon a crowd begins to form and the juggler really gets into his performance tossing torches in the air, spinning and catching them. As he finishes Mickey decides to give the guy a break and tells him “OK, we’re good. Just head on home and I won’t give you a ticket this time.”

As Mickey turns back to the patrol car he hears one of the people in the crowd remark “Jeez, these field sobriety tests are getting tougher all the time.”


The ponder:

I do think New Year’s resolutions are a good thing. They give us a chance to focus or refocus on what is important in our lives. Most of the time my resolutions are how I can improve myself.  This year for 2015 let’s think about how we can improve the life of another. It can be little or it can be big. Take time to consider if you were the one in need and someone reached out to help you. “No man is an island. Entire of itself. Each is a piece of the continent, a part of the main” John Donne in “For Whom The Bell Tolls”  

The physical challenge:

Today I did 100 Olympic style sit-ups, 100 pushups, 100 squats, 100 shanai practice strikes and 50 front kicks each leg.

I am preparing to begin the Ultimate Black Belt Challenge. While I don’t expect everyone to do exactly what I am doing, I would like to encourage you to get in better shape. Most people can do it without special equipment or space. Get on the floor and knock out A push-up. Everyone starts somewhere.  

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

You think this post is about you, don't you?

“The vain man is like a painter who continually draws but his own picture” Edward Cousel, author and philosopher. “He had the vanity to believe men did not like him – while men simply did not know him” Gustave Flaubert, author. I have met many people in my life that say I don’t understand them or they focus on something that is trivial or unpopular in an effort to appear they are wiser/ more insightful  in some way than the average person. If fact most of these people are not an enigma at all. They hide behind wanting to be different and it only makes them more transparent. I see this approach to life as more conceited than Snow White’s stepmother.



The smile:

Rob once visited a psychic to see why everyone he ever met was wrong. He tried going to a psychiatrist, but the doctor kept getting off the subject and wanting to talk about Rob. He went to a priest and the holy man only wanted to discuss how Rob could improve. Seriously, it was all hogwash. The only woman he really trusted, his mom, said he was perfect and she never lied.

Rob sat down at the table with the psychic on the other side. He opened by saying, “You sign says you know all, see all. Well I doubt that, but we can see.  Tell me something about myself.”

The psychic sits back and says, “You favorite color is blue.”

 Rob scoffs and retorts, “Just a lucky guess. I’m wearing a blue shirt and you can see my blue car through the window. If fact blue is the most popular color in the world.”   

The psychic leans forward and says “You have three children.”

Rob laughs out loud and retorts “Another lucky guess. The average number of children per household in the U.S. has been between 3.79 in 1940 and 3.18 today.  Come on. Tell me something I don’t know.”

The psychic pulls a small mirror from a drawer near her and hands it to Rob. “In this mirror you will find the vainest man in the world.” She tells him in a calm, even tone.

Rob takes the mirror and examines his own reflection for a moment before replying “He has good reason to be. He’s the best looking man I’ve ever seen.”


The ponder:

When I was a young boy I went to a barber. I sat in a chair and a man clipped my hair to whatever style he thought best. Now I sit in the same chair and have a woman (much better to watch work) clip my hair to whatever style she thinks best with the same scissors and I call her my stylist. I want to make the point she is much more talented than my childhood barber. That is not a question. Two questions: Is there a difference between a barber and a stylist? How important is having the correct haircut in our success and self-worth?


The physical challenge:

Today I did 100 Olympic style sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 shinai practice strikes.  Get in the groove and start your workout today.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Now I lay me down to sleep

As the Dalai Lama said sleep is the best meditation. I could have meditated all afternoon today. Some days are just like that. There is something about sitting at your desk after a long weekend, no matter how relaxing. A big lunch and a long nap just seem to be the ticket.


The smile:

I’m an animal lover. I don’t want a zoo in my house like some people though I do enjoy playing fetch with our dog, Molly. I can also relax when I am at my friend’s house and one of her cats crawls up into my lap for a scratch. Also being from a neighborhood where I know many of the people that live around me, we tend to keep an eye on the occasional escapee.  That is why I wasn’t surprised one morning when I was leaving my house to find a beautiful, well kempt collie laying on my front porch. He obviously belonged to someone and he had been well taken treated. As I walked down the stairs to my sidewalk the collie lifted his head in acknowledgment but didn’t seem very interested in moving much more. I was in a hurry and so no immediate danger, so I keep going. I got into my car and went on with my business.  An hour later I returned and the dog was gone. I didn’t really give the occurance much more thought.

The next day just before noon there was a scratching at my front door. I opened the door to see the same dog looking expectantly up at me. Without malice or warning the dog nudged himself past me and into my house. I turned to see the dog lay down in front of my fireplace and drift off to sleep.  Yea, I know it is odd. He didn’t seem to be sick or anything. Just comfortable, so I went back to what I was doing. An hour later…the dog is scratching on the door to get out, which I accommodate. He disappears down the street without a sound.

The following day the same thing happens. The dog scratches at the door. I let him into the house. He lays down by the fireplace and goes to sleep. Now my interest is really piqued. I go about my business and an hour later as every day before the dog wakes in an hour. He scratches at the door to be allowed to go outside. This time as the dog trots away from my house I follow. The dog walks three houses from mine and scratches on the front door . The door opens and the dog goes inside the house.

I watch in wonder and decide I have to talk to the owner.  I approach the same door the dog just entered and knock. A woman answers the door holding a young child on one hip and a broom in the other hand. She has something mustard colored smeared down the front of her blouse and she looks exhausted. Another toddler is tugging on her pants leg and I can hear something akin to a circus meets monster truck rally behind her.

“I’m sorry to bother you. “ I tell her “I was wondering if that is your dog that you let into the house a few minutes ago. He has been coming to my house for the past few days, taking a nap and leaving.” It sounded kind of foolish now that I said it out loud and I felt myself blush a little.

The woman smiled and replied “Yes, I have 6 kids, 3 cats and a husband that won’t shut up or get off the couch. I’m sure the dog is just trying to catch up on some rest. Mind if  I come with him tomorrow?”


The ponder:

According to Jessica Payne in “The Benefit of Sleep” sleeping after learning something new will improve your ability to remember it effectively. If that is true, why don’t we have periods like we did in per-school and kindergarten where we take naps during the afternoon? Wouldn’t it make us better students and employees?

The physical challenge:

I did 100 push-ups, 100 shinai swings (bamboo sword) and 10 minute power nap.

Jump into the physical challenge whenever you like at the level that works for you. If you are beginning, you may want to do 4 sets of 25 push-ups to get your 100 done or maybe your goal will be 50 per day.

 I am getting ready to start the Ultimate Black Belt Challenge soon.  I will mark my progress here for everyone to help me track.  

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Riding the rail

Man, today was my kind of day. I spent a segment of it tearing laminate tile from a kitchen and hallway. Doesn’t sound exciting? Hey, maybe you just have to try it. Good company goes a long way. “Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” Albert Camus, Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957

The smile:

Atlanta has always been a city I have enjoyed visiting. Now that MARTA, their public rail system, stretches to the suburbs, I can get pretty close to some of my more favorite places without driving or waiting on a taxi.

Just a few weeks ago I was in Atlanta on business and decided to take a trip downtown for happy hour. Late in the afternoon on a weekday the rail was crowded and I had to stand in the center of the aisle. Holding onto the metal pole in the center I noticed a very attractive African American woman looking my direction. She couldn’t have been more than a couple of feet away, so I was very self-conscious about returning the glances. Still I had to take in the long cappuccino colored legs beneath the knee lengthen skirt. Her long hair pulled back into neat pony tail only worked to frame her high cheekbones and sparkling green eyes.

I think I stopped breathing when she looked at me with a smile and asked “Would you like to sit on my lap?”

I grinned and glanced at the floor for a second to gain my composure. I looked back at her and replied “Wouldn’t it be more comfortable for us both, if you sat in mine?”

Her cheeks flushed as she focused on me and flatly stated “Excuse me. I am talking to my niece that is standing beside you.”

The ponder:

It is impossible to lick your elbow. Statically speaking 3 of every 4 people that read this fact will try.


The fitness challenge:

Today I did 100 Olympic style sit-ups, 100 push-ups and 100 squats. Come on and get with the program.

Chocolate Cobbler

Friday, December 26, 2014

I'm back.

I am not new to blogging. I wrote for a long time as “Scott, the other one” on Myspace.  That has been years ago. While I do still write a monthly article for Hey Y’all Magazine (for Southern people by Southern people), I want this blog to be different from anything I have done to date. Sure, let’s laugh and play. Let’s also think and ponder, while I document the road that brought me to today and where it is taking me.

Disclaimer: Adult content and politically incorrect statements found within.