Friday, February 20, 2015

It's a dog's life

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” Josh Billings, humorist (I hope it isn’t true…)

The smile:

Shiloh and I have a puppy that is 10 months old. Our puppy weighs around 60 pounds and is still growing. It has been a long time since I have owned a dog because of my travel schedule. I have enjoyed watching her run through the backyard, dig holes and (for the last two days) try to catch snowflakes in her mouth as they fall from the sky.

It isn’t often she gets out of the confines of the house and backyard. When she does she is a runner. After one recent sprint for freedom I had her recaptured and she was in her favorite place looking over the fence. There was a knock on my front door.  A little elderly Filipino stood on my porch, wearing worn jeans, a work shirt and holding a baseball cap I assume he just removed from his head. I ask what I can do for him. He kept his head tilled down and gazes up at me when he asked, “Sir, is that your dog looking over the fence?”

“Yes,” I reply, “why do you ask?”

“Sir,” the man told me while shuffling his feet, “I see that dog chasing a man yesterday riding a bike. I think the bike wrecked and damaged.”

I listened and gauged the situation for a moment before I told him, “That is impossible.”

The man literally took a step back as if I had struck him and excitedly exclaimed, “No, no, how could you say that?”

I smiled and answered, “It couldn’t be true. My dog doesn’t know how to ride a bike.”

The ponder:

There are many studies that dogs (pets) help you live a better, longer life ( through reduced stress, depression and less loneliness.  This leads me wonder what other things we do…or can do that…that will enrich and lengthen our lives. Seriously…no one what’s a boring, fiber filled life…what are the options?


The Fudoshin Challenge:

SNOW , ICE, IT WAS FREAKIN’ COLD OUTSIDE…no class at the dojo…I did 100 Olympic style situps and 100 pushups….

I’m 221 pounds today. It looks like I may be going back on air soon to film my cooking show, so I need to shed 11 pounds….I am thinking eggs…could you eat 54 eggs in two weeks to see what effect it has on your body? Follow me…I’ll post the progress here starting Monday…

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