Sunday, February 8, 2015

Anyone for seconds?


The smile:

My brother has always tried to be the best uncle. Even when his nephews and nieces were young, he spent time with each of them.

Shiloh was three and very proud of the china tea set she got for Christmas. She would set the cups and saucers on the table in her room and happily serve people wherever that sat in the house. My brother and I sat on the sofa watching football, when she carefully handed me a serving. I pretended to drink and sat it on the table. Shiloh beamed with personal satisfaction. She quickly toddled back into her room and brought my brother his tea.

Chris took the small cup, gazed at the contents for a second and tilted it back to drain every drop. Shiloh clapped with glee. Chris looked over to me trying not to laugh. “What’s up?” he asked to explain my reaction. I regained my composure and answered, “The only place she can reach to fill her cups with water is the toilet.”


The ponder:

I am as guilty as anyone of wanting more toys or vacations or something else to occupy my attention. I recently went to the park with a friend of mine and her kids, which are seven and five. I watched them jump, climb and run just as I did when I was their ages. It reminded me the simple pleasures are still there.


The physical challenge:

Sensei has begun to weight train with me three days a week for strength and flexibility. Yesterday was leg day. I’m sore. Haha

I did my regular 100 sit-ups and 100 push-ups today.

Tomorrow is my favorite weight training day, CHEST!



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