Monday, March 2, 2015

Helping Hand

“We create our fate every day . . . most of the ills we suffer from are directly traceable to our own behavior.” Henry Miller, writer


The smile:

Jackson was a much smaller place when I was a child. There were certain businesses we relied. My parents always got my new winter coat every year at McCoy’s Department Store. My grandfather always took me to the barber in the Pythian Building. My favorite milkshake was at the lunch counter at Walgreen’s.  If I was sick, Baker’s Drug Store is where we had my prescription filled. Mr. Baker was always friendly and quick to respond.

I was twelve years old on one particular day I walked into Baker’s Drug Store. Mr. Baker was standing at the back of the store in the pharmacy area and was occupied with filling orders. I went straight back to him and stood at the counter.  He looked over his reading glasses after a moment and asked what I needed. I asked him, “What do you have that will get rid of the hiccups?”

Mr. Baker put down the bottle he had in his hand. He walked around the counter and stood beside me. I looked up at his towering figure just as he slapped me hard on the back between the shoulder blades. I took a step forward and caught my breath. He asked, “Do you have the hiccups now?”

“No,” I answered still short of breath, “but I think my mom out in the car still does.”


The ponder:

I still find myself following familiar patterns. I generally go to the same grocery store, use the same mechanic, hangout at the same watering holes. It is common for most people. What are similar patterns in your life? If you changed your pattern, would it be a positive or negative effect on your life?


The Fudoshin Challenge:

Today is weight training, specifically leg day. Let’s see how well I can kick, walk….stand…after 100 or so squats. LoL


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