Saturday, January 31, 2015

Out of the pan and into the cook's story: Hey Y'all

Out of the pan and into the cook's story: Hey Y'all: I will never be a fan of the American dictator, Lincoln. Occasionally something worthwhile fell from his mouth.   “I don't like that...

Hey Y'all

I will never be a fan of the American dictator, Lincoln. Occasionally something worthwhile fell from his mouth.  “I don't like that man. I must get to know him” Abe Lincoln.

The smile:

I worked for Island Restaurants for a few years. It isn’t exotic as it sounds. The island was Mud Island, a sandbar in the Mississippi River, located in downtown Memphis. The company contracted the food service in many places in the area. One of the places was the Orpheum Theater.

The holidays were a great time to be in the Orpheum. Prior to the show people were milling around.  Dressed in their Sunday best it was easy to feel the excitement in the air. Things would go smoothly most of time….

Pat was a great guy. He was the be all over all of the Orpheum world. I enjoyed walking around the lobby with him. One of the ushers ran up to us and breathlessly asked “Sir, would you please come help. We can’t get a gentleman to give up seats that aren’t his.”

Pat and I followed the usher to on to the floor. Half way to the stage we stopped. There laid a man across four seats. Impatiently two people stood waiting to get into their seats. I have to say I thought he was drunk .Who lays across four seats? Pat has always been a diplomatic yet authoritative figure.  He plainly stated “Sir, we need you to move”

The man wiggled a bit and grunted. Pat was never a man to take any crap. He kept his cool and said “SIR, please remove yourself from these seats.” The man grunted in reply.

Pat took a breath and realized this situation the gentleman may…not have all of his facilities. Pat asked “Sir, you are obviously intoxicated. Can you understand what I am saying?”

 “Yes….” Wheezed the man.

“Where are you from?” asked Pat in an effort to establish some common ground.

The man took in a deep breath and answered “The balcony”


The ponder:

Hey Y’all. Tonight my daughter and I were kidding about the way people like to imitate Southern people. You just can’t try to be West Tennessee. It’s who we are. She said you just have to get your country right. So tell me…I have traveled many places in the world. I can say I am Southern and people always seem to know what I mean. I appreciate that I have people all over the world reading this blog. Thank you. Tell me what makes Southern people…unique?


The Fudonshin Challenge:




Reps/ Goal
Straight Punches
1410/ 2000
Knuckle Push-ups
710/ 2000
Olymipic sit-ups
710/ 2000
Squat kicks
635/ 2000
Front kicks
Side kicks
Back kicks
Upper blocks
Downward blocks
Inward blocks
Outward blocks


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Out of the pan and into the cook's story: Hey buddy. Can you spare a quarter?

Out of the pan and into the cook's story: Hey buddy. Can you spare a quarter?: “We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless . The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and unca...

Hey buddy. Can you spare a quarter?

“We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. “ Mother Teresa

 The smile:

My brother and my sister-in-law went to Tunica. They were about to enter one of the casinos when a panhandler approached them and asked for twenty bucks.

My brother asked “Will you use the money to buy alcohol?”

“No” the man replied somberly.

“Well”, asked my brother, “will you use the money to gamble?”

“Absolutely not” swore the man.

My brother turned to his wife and said “See what happens to you when you don’t drink or gamble?”

The ponder:

If the poor of the United States have it better than any of the average people of third world nations, why do we still have the homeless and pandhandlers?


The Fudoshina Challenge:


Reps/ Goal
Straight Punches
1410/ 2000
Knuckle Push-ups
710/ 2000
Olymipic sit-ups
710/ 2000
Squat kicks
635/ 2000
Front kicks
Side kicks
Back kicks
Upper blocks
Downward blocks
Inward blocks
Outward blocks


Monday, January 26, 2015

Out of the pan and into the cook's story: Bad, Bad Food

Out of the pan and into the cook's story: Bad, Bad Food: “Well done is better than well said” Benjamin Franklin   The smile: My buddy, Mark, and I like to find out of the way BBQ joint...

Bad, Bad Food

“Well done is better than well said” Benjamin Franklin


The smile:

My buddy, Mark, and I like to find out of the way BBQ joints. We have learned you can’t ever tell how good the que will be when you walk in the door. We ate at one place that was very good. The front door of the restaurant was a crooked screen door that didn’t lock and our table was beside a stacked cord of wood.

We were in one particular open pit place in the middle of nowhere.  The pull pork sandwich was good. The side dish on my plate was a different story.  I called the waitress over and pointed to the source of my displeasure. I explained “I think this potato is bad.”

The lady lifted the potato from my plate.  She patted it a few times with her opposite hand and set it back where she found it. She smiled as she told me “If it gives you any more trouble, just let me know.”


The ponder:

What is more important in having a good restaurant experience, food or service?

The Fudonshin Challenge:

Reps/ Goal
Straight Punches
1400/ 2000
Knuckle Push-ups
710/ 2000
Olymipic sit-ups
710/ 2000
Squat kicks
635/ 2000
Front kicks
Side kicks
Back kicks
Upper blocks
Downward blocks
Inward blocks
Outward blocks

Friday, January 23, 2015

Out of the pan and into the cook's story: Our Fallen Heroes

Out of the pan and into the cook's story: Our Fallen Heroes: “I never knew you, Yet I think I could not refuse this moment to die for you, if that would save you” Walt Whitman   The smile: ...

Our Fallen Heroes

“I never knew you, Yet I think I could not refuse this moment to die for you, if that would save you” Walt Whitman


The smile:

 Ben was six years old when we began going to a church on the north side of town. The people were friendly and accepting. The building was much bigger than the church we attended previously. Ben walked through the halls holding my hand and taking in everything with an amount of awe.

He stopped at a plaque on one wall that was rather large and covered with names. He asked, “Who are all these people, Daddy?”

I smiled and reverently told him, “These are men that died in service. This plaque is to honor and remember them.”

Ben continued to stare. After a long pause he looked up at me and asked “Was it in the 9:00 service or the 11:00 service?”


The ponder:

What are the circumstances that would have to exist for us to not have war in the world?


The Fudoshin Challenge:

Reps/ Goal
Straight Punches
1200/ 2000
Knuckle Push-ups
710/ 2000
Olymipic sit-ups
710/ 2000
Squat kicks
635/ 2000
Front kicks
Side kicks
Back kicks
Upper blocks
Downward blocks
Inward blocks
Outward blocks


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Out of the pan and into the cook's story: That's My Boy !

Out of the pan and into the cook's story: That's My Boy !: “Every man is a hero if he strives more for others than for himself alone.” Lloyd Alexander , author   The smile: I really enjo...

That's My Boy !

“Every man is a hero if he strives more for others than for himself alone.” Lloyd Alexander , author


The smile:

I really enjoy some of the specialty grocery stores in Memphis. They just offer a few things we can’t get here and sometimes I see something that inspires me to cook a new dish. Yes, I am a food nerd….

I was walking around a well-known chain store of this nature last week. I browsed the aisles when I noticed an elderly woman appear every corner I turned. She kept her distance though it was obvious. She was watching me. I thought I might be imagining it, so I skipped a couple of aisles only to see her turn up a few seconds later. I wasn’t sure what, if anything, to do. I ignored her though I could feel her eyes watching my every move.

I found my way to the cheese section. I gazed into the wide array of choices when I felt someone standing behind me. I turned to see the little older woman standing close enough to touch me.  I almost jumped out of my skin! “Excuse me.” She said and blushed. “Uh….yes, ma’am. May I help you?” I asked. “I am sorry to intrude, “she continued meekly, “You look so much like my son that passed.” I dropped my eyes and replied, “I’m sorry to hear you lost him.” “Would you do me a small favor?” She asked with a quivering courage rising in her voice “It would make me feel so much better.” “Of course, “I agreed. I felt so bad for her. “Please say GOODBYE, MOMMA when I leave. It would make my day….really.”  She told me biting her lip in anticipation of my agreement.  How could I say no?

We went through the checkout line. She went first, then me.  She turned at the door to look back at me at the counter. I raised my hand, smiled weakly and said loudly, “GOODBYE MOMMA”. The look on her face melted my heart. I had done my good deed for the day.

I turned back to the girl at the register. She smiled at me and said “$251.36 please.” “WHAT?” I exclaimed, “There is no way I have that much in my cart.” “Yes,” the cashier explained “but your mom said you would get hers too.”


The ponder:

Is it more important that we do good deeds or that we do good deeds unselfishly?


The Fudoshina Challenge:

Reps/ Goal
Straight Punches
1100/ 2000
Knuckle Push-ups
610/ 2000
Olymipic sit-ups
610/ 2000
Squat kicks
535/ 2000
Front kicks
375/ 2000
Side kicks
250/ 2000
Back kicks
250/ 2000
Upper blocks
Downward blocks
625/ 2000
Inward blocks
625/ 2000
Outward blocks
625/ 2000