Friday, January 23, 2015

Our Fallen Heroes

“I never knew you, Yet I think I could not refuse this moment to die for you, if that would save you” Walt Whitman


The smile:

 Ben was six years old when we began going to a church on the north side of town. The people were friendly and accepting. The building was much bigger than the church we attended previously. Ben walked through the halls holding my hand and taking in everything with an amount of awe.

He stopped at a plaque on one wall that was rather large and covered with names. He asked, “Who are all these people, Daddy?”

I smiled and reverently told him, “These are men that died in service. This plaque is to honor and remember them.”

Ben continued to stare. After a long pause he looked up at me and asked “Was it in the 9:00 service or the 11:00 service?”


The ponder:

What are the circumstances that would have to exist for us to not have war in the world?


The Fudoshin Challenge:

Reps/ Goal
Straight Punches
1200/ 2000
Knuckle Push-ups
710/ 2000
Olymipic sit-ups
710/ 2000
Squat kicks
635/ 2000
Front kicks
Side kicks
Back kicks
Upper blocks
Downward blocks
Inward blocks
Outward blocks


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