Tuesday, December 30, 2014

You think this post is about you, don't you?

“The vain man is like a painter who continually draws but his own picture” Edward Cousel, author and philosopher. “He had the vanity to believe men did not like him – while men simply did not know him” Gustave Flaubert, author. I have met many people in my life that say I don’t understand them or they focus on something that is trivial or unpopular in an effort to appear they are wiser/ more insightful  in some way than the average person. If fact most of these people are not an enigma at all. They hide behind wanting to be different and it only makes them more transparent. I see this approach to life as more conceited than Snow White’s stepmother.



The smile:

Rob once visited a psychic to see why everyone he ever met was wrong. He tried going to a psychiatrist, but the doctor kept getting off the subject and wanting to talk about Rob. He went to a priest and the holy man only wanted to discuss how Rob could improve. Seriously, it was all hogwash. The only woman he really trusted, his mom, said he was perfect and she never lied.

Rob sat down at the table with the psychic on the other side. He opened by saying, “You sign says you know all, see all. Well I doubt that, but we can see.  Tell me something about myself.”

The psychic sits back and says, “You favorite color is blue.”

 Rob scoffs and retorts, “Just a lucky guess. I’m wearing a blue shirt and you can see my blue car through the window. If fact blue is the most popular color in the world.”   

The psychic leans forward and says “You have three children.”

Rob laughs out loud and retorts “Another lucky guess. The average number of children per household in the U.S. has been between 3.79 in 1940 and 3.18 today.  Come on. Tell me something I don’t know.”

The psychic pulls a small mirror from a drawer near her and hands it to Rob. “In this mirror you will find the vainest man in the world.” She tells him in a calm, even tone.

Rob takes the mirror and examines his own reflection for a moment before replying “He has good reason to be. He’s the best looking man I’ve ever seen.”


The ponder:

When I was a young boy I went to a barber. I sat in a chair and a man clipped my hair to whatever style he thought best. Now I sit in the same chair and have a woman (much better to watch work) clip my hair to whatever style she thinks best with the same scissors and I call her my stylist. I want to make the point she is much more talented than my childhood barber. That is not a question. Two questions: Is there a difference between a barber and a stylist? How important is having the correct haircut in our success and self-worth?


The physical challenge:

Today I did 100 Olympic style sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 shinai practice strikes.  Get in the groove and start your workout today.


  1. I feel honored to have made your blog dear Sir. Even more so each time you arrive ,with that gorgeous smile and sit in my chair. Sharing your stories so freely as I get to run my fingers through your locks to do as I please. I only perfect what's already there my friend.
    Look at Donald Trump. All I can say is his success couldn't have been built on that iconic comb over!

    1. ROFL Please save me from the comb over. I will be back soon to have you run your fingers through my hair. Everyone else, if you want the best and you are in the West Tennessee area, go see Angie.
